There are various types of scholarships available for students attending Campbellsville大学’s Main Campus. Academic scholarships are offered to incoming students who have demonstrated outstanding scholastic achievement in high 学校 or previous collegiate work and on standardized tests.
Church related scholarships are given to student who have been active and demonstrated 领导 in their churches.
Various scholarships have been made available by generous contributions from the many friends and alumni of Campbellsville大学. 这些奖学金提供给符合捐赠者规定的资格的学生.
Campbellsville大学 is blessed to offer additional scholarship opportunities made available through our Endowed and Restricted funding sources. 这些“最后一美元”奖学金旨在支持符合特定标准的优秀学生. The Office of 金融援助 will provide notifications once your application is reviewed for potential matches to fund requirements. 请填写以下申请表:
在推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站, 财政援助委员会保留扩大的权利, 在必要时,减少或调整财政援助推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站和资金,以满足联邦政府的要求, 状态, 或者机构监管或预算变化. 如果学生获得的奖学金等于学费的一半或以上, 他/她可能没有资格获得额外的机构援助.
奖学金 are awarded to incoming freshman that are attending Campbellsville大学 – Campbellsville campus. This scholarship is based on the cumulative high 学校 grade point average (GPA) at the time of acceptance. 优秀奖学金的期限最长为四年,累积GPA至少为2分.0. 优秀奖学金数额如下:
转移奖学金s are awarded to transfer students that are attending Campbellsville大学 – Campbellsville campus. 该奖学金是根据所有就读大学的累积GPA计算的. 该奖学金可以每年续签,为期三年,要求GPA达到2分.0的绩点. 奖学金颁发办法如下:
推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站向即将入学的新生颁发了8个享有盛誉的总统奖学金. 这项奖学金是全额学费, 住房和书籍, 并向符合以下条件之一的学生开放:
申请截止日期为申请人高中最后一年的12月31日. 奖学金的决定要考虑学生的学习成绩、论文和面试. 学生 earning this scholarship are required to fulfill service-learning opportunities throughout their time at Campbellsville大学.
Campbellsville大学 reserves the right to reduce a merit scholarship for a student that receives any type of non-CU scholarship, 好处, 外部资金, 等. 这等于或超过了学费的总成本. 使用GI法案®并获得VA福利的学生的奖学金不会减少或取消.
GI Bill®是美国军队的注册商标.S. 退伍军人事务部(VA). 有关退伍军人事务部提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问美国官方网站.S. 政府网站
To recognize commitment to high-performing Kentucky high 学校 graduates and to encourage degree completion within a timely manner by supplementing financial aid applicants’ award packages to cover the cost of tuition only, 帮助消除成本作为完成学位的障碍. 住宿、课本和费用不包括在内.
Scholarship will be granted as an auto-award for Kentucky residents who earn a diploma from a Kentucky high 学校. 不需要申请. 学生 who meet admission criteria to enter Campbellsville大学 will be notified of the scholarship and presented with a certificate in September of their senior year.
Campbellsville大学 will match gifts from churches throughout the nation that contribute up to $200 per year toward a student’s education costs. 任何教派都可以参加. 来自教堂的礼物应以学生的名义支付给推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站. 学生 are eligible to receive 教堂匹配 funds as they are enrolled undergraduate student at Campbellsville.
任何学生的父母担任全职带薪基督教牧师职位,都可以获得高达1美元的奖金,每年700美元. 必须提交申请. 基督教服务处奖学金获得者不符合申请教会配对基金的资格. 这项奖学金可以再延长三年,至少需要两年.0续约GPA. 学生必须满足以下要求:a)大一新生, b)父母中有一人担任全职带薪的基督徒事工, c)根据FAFSA信息证明财务需求.
学生 who have made a public commitment to pursue a Christian vocation may be considered to receive an additional $200 per year. 必须提交申请. 这项奖学金可以再延长三年,至少需要两年.0续约GPA. 学生必须符合以下要求:a)本科生, b)公开宣布委身于基督徒的圣召, c)根据FAFSA信息证明财务需求.
奖学金每年提供给肯塔基浸信会的学生. 肯塔基浸礼会学生进入推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站作为全日制新生有资格申请. 该奖学金可延长三年,至少两年.0续约GPA.
学生 who demonstrate strong 领导 skills and active involvement in their local Baptist Church may apply for the 浸信会领袖奖. 每个申请的学生都是根据他们的教会承诺来评估的, 在当地社区有学术成就和领导经验, 学校, 和教堂. 申请人必须至少有2个.平均成绩0分,还有牧师的推荐信. The scholarship is renewable for three additional years so long as the student meets the initial academic requirements.
学生 whose parents serve as missionaries with the Southern Baptist International Mission Board are eligible to apply for the 传教士儿童奖学金. 申请人必须以全日制学生的身份入学, 合资格申请教会学校专上津贴, 并提交他们父母服役的证明. 财政援助委员会批准所有受助人. This scholarship can be renewed for three years provided the student maintains satisfactory academic progress. 收到后,学生将没有资格再获得任何机构资助.
在艺术领域有表演补助金和竞争性奖学金, 戏剧, 新闻, 乐队, 和音乐. 它们是基于学生在这些领域的个人技能. 助学金和奖学金由教职员工根据个人面试和/或试镜颁发. 奖励金额根据学生在每个领域的经验和技能水平而有所不同. 学生可以联系招生办公室了解更多关于这些机会的信息.
运动表现补助金是基于学生的表现和表现能力, 领导, 并有潜力在NAIA大学体育推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站中脱颖而出.
Campbellsville大学’s 多元化奖学金推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站 consists of four purpose-driven funds more specifically described below.
多样化的申请者, eligible for assistance from the 多元化奖学金推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站 is a person who by reason of past racial or ethnic discrimination, 或者是理性的, 教育或经济剥夺的, 在没有经济援助的情况下无法支付推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站的教育费用.
学生必须向招生办公室提供参加DYW比赛的证明. 奖学金最多可续期三年. 学生是否有资格获得一项以上的奖学金, 奖学金将授予较高者.
乔治和琼·怀特·豪厄尔环境科学奖学金是1美元,000英镑环境科学奖学金, 由湖区基金会管理, 为推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站的新生提供. 另一个1美元,000 is available annually for a freshman student pursuing an environmental science degree who is willing to help with research at 克莱山纪念森林 for a minimum of 70 hours per semester during the academic year.
玛莎·L. 波西克奖学金是一项1000美元的限制性奖学金,由玛莎·L·霍普金斯大学管理. Posic奖学金公司. 奖学金提供给推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站的新生或在读新生, 新生入学优先. 申请条件:
Campbellsville大学 is blessed to offer additional scholarship opportunities made available through our Endowed and Restricted funding sources. 这些“最后一美元”奖学金旨在支持符合特定标准的优秀学生. The Office of 金融援助 will provide notifications once your application is reviewed for potential matches to fund requirements. 请填写以下申请表:
The 遗产联盟 seeks to fund scholarships for deserving 校友 family members while building friends across the Campbellsville大学 社区. 将向新生提供两个奖学金机会,每个奖学金价值1000美元. 奖学金可续期四年. 平均绩点2.申请人必须是推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站校友的子女或孙辈. 申请截止日期为7月31日.